The First Announcement of NextGAPES

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The main goals of the meeting

The goal of the first Workshop on the Next Generation of AstroParticle Experiments in Space (NextGAPES-2019) is to start the discussion of feasibility and layouts of new experiments designed to address scientific challenges of the 21st century and to build upon an extraordinary success of the high impact missions, such as ATIC, BESS, CREAM, PAMELA, AMS-02, Fermi-LAT, NUCLEON, CALET, DAMPE, ISS-CREAM… The scope of the meeting includes advances in astrophysics of cosmic rays up to the knee and above, gamma-ray astronomy, search for signatures of dark matter, and other challenges with emphasis on space-borne heavy multi-ton detectors that provide considerable gains in accuracy and sensitivity. Upon conclusion of the workshop we plan to prepare a white paper for the Committee of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences for inclusion a heavy detector payload into the Russian Space Research Program. The workshop agenda includes an update on the current state and milestones of the development of the super-heavy launcher from a high-ranking representative of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos), and presentations of participants outlining the design, technology, requirements, and scientific goals of the next generation of space experiments. Ample time will be devoted to informal discussions and coffee breaks. The workshop is planned as a satellite meeting to take place on June 21-22, 2019, before the International Symposium on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics (ISCRA-2019), June 25-28, 2019:

Because of the short time scale for preparation of the workshop and certain unforeseen difficulties, the Local Organizing Committee resorted to the remote online mode using the Zoom web conference system. All talks and discussions will be carried out online. Local people are invited to come to the Space Monitoring Data Center at the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, where all presentations will be projected to the wide screen. The details on how to connect will be posted under the Technical Support button and also emailed to all participants. We are planning to open a test session a few days before the workshop to allow participants to test their equipment and software.

International Advisory Board

Oscar Andriani (INFN & U. Firenze, Italy)
Valter Bonvicini (INFN Trieste, Italy)
Arkadii Galper (MЕPhI, Russia)
Jin Chang (Purple Mountain Obs, China)
Andrei Kounine (MIT, USA)
Peter Michelson (Stanford U, USA) 
Igor Moskalenko (Stanford U, USA) - Co-Chair
Mikhail Panasyuk (MSU, Russia) - Co-Chair
Il Park (SKKU, S.Korea)
Piergiorgio Picozza (U. Roma 2, Italy)
Stefan Schael (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Eun-Suk Seo (U. Maryland, USA) 
Shoji Torii (Waseda U, Japan)
Samuel Ting (MIT, USA)
Vaclav Vrba (Czech Tech U, Czech)
Invited Speakers

Timur Dzhatdoev (MSU, Russia)
Pavel Klimov (MSU, Russia)
Andrei Kounine (MIT, USA)
Pier Marrocchesi (INFN Pisa & U. Siena, Italy)
Alexander Moiseev 
(NASA/GSFC & U. Maryland, USA)
Igor Moskalenko (Stanford U)
Angela Olinto (U. Chicago & E.Fermi Inst, USA)
Alexander Panov (MSU, Russia)
Il Park (SKKU, S.Korea)
Dmitry Podorozhny (MSU, Russia)
Eun-Suk Seo (U. Maryland, USA)
Stefan Schael (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Sergey Svertilov (MSU, Russia)
Nikolay Topchiev (Lebedev Physical Inst, Russia)
Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Obs, China)
Shuang-Nan Zhang (IHEP, China)

Local Organizing Committee (SINP MSU, Russia)
Igor Kovalev
Alexander Kurganov
Alexander Panov
Dmitrii Podorozhny - Chair


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