High-energy physics plays an important role in physics institute. These studies have been conducted since the late 60's. The purpose of research is experimental and theoretical studies of the fundamental properties and laws of elementary particle interactions at high energy accelerators.
High-energy physics plays an important role in physics institute. These studies have been conducted since the late 60's. The purpose of research is experimental and theoretical studies of the fundamental properties and laws of elementary particle interactions at high energy accelerators.
Elementary particle physics - one of the fastest growing trends in the world of research in physics. The purpose of this research - to provide information on the most fundamental properties of matter at distances of 10-16 ÷ 10-17 cm or less. To perform these studies in the most developed countries have created and continue constructed super particle accelerators and large-scale experimental facilities for the registration of the particles produced in the collision. In SINP study of particle physics are conducted from the late 60's.
Before the high-energy physics is a number of unsolved problems. The Standard Model, on the one hand, very successfully, in some cases at the level of accuracy of 0.1%, describes the existing experimental data, however, on the other hand, has a number of internal problems, such as an explanation of the hierarchy of scales. Studies conducted both on its own methodological basis and at major Russian and international experimental facilities in the collaborations of leading research centers such as CERN.