After successful tests of dynamic model of "Lomonosov" scientific payload SINP scientists started tests of its flight model with a spacecraft simulat
In October 2012 tests of dynamic model (see Photos 1 and 2) of "Lomonosov" scientific payload were completed. They proved mechanical fail safety of the developed system. In November 2012 SINP scientists started tests of the flight model of "Lomonosov" payload and plan to complete them till end of March 2013. Currenty the tests of electrical and informational integration of the payload with the simulator of spacecraft's service system are performed at assembly location - in the clean room of operations and check-out complex of the Institute of Electromechanics (Istra).
«Currently flight model of the scientific equipment is assembled on the flight ready plate (see Photo 3), which provides specified temperature control support for the scientific equipment. Six scientific instruments which on orbit will be directed into zenith providing measuremetns in the upper hemisphere are set on this plate. The seventh instrument, Tracking Unit TUS, which in flight will be directed into nadir (a point of celestial sphere diametrically opposite to zenith. - Editor's note.), in order to provide measurements in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere is disposed on the separate frame. This unit contains complicated slide mechanical assemblies which currently undergo separate tests at the plant of the Institute of Electromechanics. During the complex tests of the scientific equipment the TUS unit is tested disassembled. Scientific equipment passes the tests successfully», - Ivan Yashin, Chief design engineer of the satellite told to our reporter.
During the tests the flight model of the payload is connected with the spacecraft simulator by standard cables. Tests, in particular, include command transmission from the onboard control complex simulator, composition and transmission of telemetry from the complex sensors, acquisition and transmission of scientific information to the onboard control complex, complex controlling in different modes and energy cosumption of the unit.
After completing of these tests the equipment will be transported to the VNIIEM COrporation (Moscow) where it will be integrated with the standard spacecraft. Then it will be put to the final maintenance tests before sending of the assembled complex to the launching site.