SINP MSU publication activity

A Table of publication acitivity of MSU departments during 2005-2012 is presented in the information-analytical system "Nauka-MGU" (Science-MSU). In total there are 53 MSU departments whose scientists have published articles in the journals indexed by Scopus during the mentioned period. The results summed up for all staff of the dapartments.

According to this rating of publication activity SINP MSU dominates in the following sections:

• In amount of the articles published in the journals indexed by Scopus SINP ranks third (2761 articles) following the Department of Physics (2nd place - 4282 articles) and the Department of Chemistry (1st place - 5750 articles);

• In amount of the articles published in the journals indexed by Web of Science with impact-factor over 3 SINP ranks third (1369 articles) also following the Department of Physics (2nd place - 1392 articles) and the Department of Chemistry (1st place - 1568 articles);

• In total amount of citing of the articles in the journals indexed by Scopus SINP ranks second (28412 citings) giving way only to the Department of Physics (32988 citings);

• In average amount of citings per one article SINP MSU also ranks second (10,3). The first place is taken by the Department of bioengineering and bioinformatics (14,3);

• In amount of staff members with Hirsch index over 5 presently working at the Department SINP MSU ranks third (231 members) also following the Department of Physics (2nd place - 246 members) and the Department of Chemisty (1st place - 439 scientists).

The Table of publication activity of MSU departments during 2005-2012 is presented at