Laboratory of the ion interaction with substance

Short name: LIIS

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Phone: +7 495 939 23 48


Laboratory of the ion interaction with substance

The Laboratory of the ion interaction with substance (LIIS) was organized in 1979 basing on the Sector with the same name, which was a part of the Laboratory of nuclear reactions, reorganized into the Department of the atomic nuclear physics (DANP) at the same time. Through the existence of the Laboratory it was headed by Professor, DSc. Anatoly Tulinov (1979-1991), PhD. (currently DSc.) Grigory Pokhil (1991-1995), Professor, DSc. Nikolay Chechenin (1995-1999). Since 1999 till present its Head is PhD. Batslovas Kulikauskas.

The Laboratory is one of the acknowledged leaders in the fields of the studies of ion beams interactions with substance, development of new methods of ion-beam diagnostics and studies of non-conventional materials be means of ion-beam methods. These methods are strongly actual for a number of high-tehcnological industrial fields.

Beginning from the discovery of shadow effect by Professor Anatoly Tulinov and his team, the scientists of the Laboratory became leaders in the field of physics of orientation effects which originated from ion beams interaction with crystals and other media. In 1972 the research team of Professor Tulinov was awarded with State Prize of the USSR for the investigations in this field.

The scientists of the Laboratory have developed and manufactured ion-beam methods based on the accelerator complex of the Institute, which are unique in the former Soviet Union.

Currently new direction are actively developed in the Laboratory, such as: synthesis and studies of the properties of multi-layer magnetic nanostructures of spintronics, synthesis and studies of different functional properties of nano-carbon structures and nano-composites based on them. New methods of directed local ion-beam influence on biological objects are also developed.

Besides, the scientists of the Laboratory participate in a large foreign project "European free-electron laser" (European XFEL GmbH, Germany) with theoretical studies of multi-photon dichromatic (X-ray + IR) processes on atoms.

The scientists of the Laboratory are involved in close collaboration with the following scientific centers: Groningen University (Zernike Deaprtment of material science of the Institute of non-conventional materials, Netherlands), Domankhur University (Department of Natural science, Egypt), Center "European free-electron laser" (European XFEL GmbH, Германия), K.E. Tsiolkovsky Russian state technological university (within the frames of the scientific center "Technologies and studies of nanomaterials of aero-space facilities"), JSC "NIIGraphite" (Moscow), N.I.Lobachevsky ste University of Nizhny Novgorod, California Institute of Technology (USA).