Levchenko Boris B.Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences Department, Official capacity:
Contact infoEmail: levchenko@www-hep.sinp.msu.ru Work phone: +7 495 939 58 81 Personal website: https://istina.msu.ru/workers/511394/ Workplace housing: High-energy housing Workplace description: 3-28
About meScientific activities: Theoretical and Experimental High-Energy Physics, Charged Particles Beam Physics, Particle Creation in Subcritical Fields
Participation in scientific projects:EHS-RCBC Collaboration, EHS-NA-22 Collaboration; ZEUS Collaboration Publications and reports at conferences:Total number of publications – 225, 53 reportsMembership in editorial boards: Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings of the International Workshop
"High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory" (QFTHEP), 1993-2000 Recent Achievements
High Energy Physics:
Beam Physics: Processes in strong electromagnetic fields: -In the framework of the Dirac model of vacuum the creation of е+е− pairs in a constant and uniform electric field with allowance Coulomb interaction between е+ and е− is considered. The transmission coefficient via the energy gap deformed by external field and the electric fields of particles is calculated in the semiclassical approximation. The Sauter exponential factor is modified by the exactly calculated function G(y) accounting Coulomb interaction of particles and changes in the shape of the potential barrier. When y < 1 the values of G(y) exceeds unity, testifying the suppression of pair production in comparison with the predictions of Schwinger and Ritus. With further increase in the field strength, 1 < y < 2, G(y) tends to zero and the probability of pair production has increased rapidly. [ pdf] -Probabilities of a pair of fermions and bosons creation in a static and spatially uniform electric field E are represented in the Schwinger formulas by infinite series. It is believed that in weak fields the main contribution to the probability is given by the first term of series. We study the mathematical structure of the Schwinger series by using methods developed during last decades (polylogarithms) and prove that the given series allows an exact summation and the contribution of remainder growths rapidly with the field strength. As a rule, it is argued that the pair of particles begin to be produced efficiently from the vacuum only in the fields of strength E >= E_cr. However, the direct calculation shows that the Schwinger formula for creation of e+e- pairs is valid only at the field intensities of E < 0.0291*E_cr. At higher fields, the probability of pair production in an unit space-time volume exceeds unity. [ pdf] Publications: system "Istina" |