• Cosmic ray astrophysics

    Research on the physics of cosmic rays is one of the leading destinations in the institute. The birth of cosmic radiation occurs in many astronomical objects and largely determine the properties of cosmic rays in the galaxy of space plasma. The energy density of the radiation is relatively high, which is of great interest for research in astrophysics.

  • Information technology and telecommunications

    In SINP is working on the creation and use of new information technologies, and the development of computer communications networks. The Institute is a leader in Russia in building infrastructure of distributed computing. Established and supported by numerous scientific databases and interfaces to interact with them.

  • The interaction of radiation with matter

    In SINP well represented aspects of the study of interaction of radiation with matter. In such processes, there is a significant number of different phenomena, some of which lead to a change in the physical properties of solids and, therefore, related to the problem of creating materials with desired properties.

  • Space Physics

    A special place in the scientific program SINP occupy study cosmic radiation outside the atmosphere in space. Studies of cosmic radiation are the main for the Institute since the launch of II-satellite (1957), which was established instruments designed under the direction of S. Vernov to study cosmic rays.

  • Nuclear physics

    Research in nuclear physics and nuclear reactions induced by charged particles of low energy began in SINP in the late 40's. The Institute has a number of accelerators to address a pilot study of nuclear physics particle and nuclear physics, etc. and promotes theoretical research in this area.

  • High-energy physics

    High-energy physics plays an important role in physics institute. These studies have been conducted since the late 60's. The purpose of research is experimental and theoretical studies of the fundamental properties and laws of elementary particle interactions at high energy accelerators.

  • Investigation of nanostructures

    In SINP is working on the development of processes in the microscopic theory of superconducting nanostructures and devices based on them. The theoretical work focused on the study of electronic transport in nanostructures containing superconducting, normal and ferromagnetic materials.

  • Innovative teaching

    Russia's first workshop was organized by the radioactivity of the University of Moscow before the revolution. In 1948, a group of employees was based SINP special nuclear workshop, and later opened a special radiopraktikum, the overall nuclear and atomic workshop. During the implementation of the educational program of the unique space project "MSU-250" created space workshop. With a computer class actively in the process of implementation of the learning process of new computer and information technologies.


  • 30.10.2016

    What's the most stable share for an interstellar lightsail?

    In 2015, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner founded Breakthrough Initiatives with the intention of bolstering the search for extra-terrestrial life. Since that time, the non-profit organization – which is backed by Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg – has announced a number of advanced projects. The most ambitious of these is arguably Project Starshot, an interstellar mission that would make the journey to the nearest star in just 20 years.
  • 13.07.2016

    A group of small satellites will be developed for the radiation monitoring in the near-Earth space

  • 27.04.2016

    Cosmodrom “Vostochnyi”

    “Soyuz 2-1” launcher with “Lomonosov” satellite have been delivered to the launch site and installed there for the further operations before the launch, which is scheduled now for April,27, 2016 at 11a.m. local time (5 a.m. Moscow time). 25 of april four SINP MSU people (M. Panasyuk, I. Yashin, V. Petrov, O. Peretyat’ko) visited launch site during the special ceremony of sanctification. You can find videos from cosmodrom here: https://www.facebook.com/sinp.msu/
  • 30.12.2015

    XLVI International Tulinov Conference on Physics of Charged Particles Interations with Crystals

    XLVI International Tulinov Conference on Physics of Charged Particles Interations with Crystals (ITC-16), Moscow, 31 May– 2 June 2016 г. More information at http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/tulin_conf.htm
  • 02.12.2015

    Why Europe will soon be cold?

    What is the climate waiting for Russia and Europe in 15-20 years? Will be there weather abnormalities in the coming decades? Will some areas experience more severe winter, while the others will have hot summer? It all depends on how much the climate will be affected by the dynamics of the possible onset of minimum solar magnetic activity. The Sun's behaviour in future cycles is the main theme of a publication on the forecast and explanation of the minima of solar activity. The paper was prepared with contributions from Elena Popova from the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and was published in Scientific Reports.